TRUE MYSTERY BEHIND A PERFECT HOME Yes, there are perfect homes, though few. Homes where spouses are eager, always longing to return. Homes where children never wish to be far off. Home where heaven always desire to focus their gaze. A home where the Holy Spirit finds His rest. Homes where strangers desire never to depart. A prayer point of many other countless homes. Homes where challenges and tempest are kept without. Homes where troubles do not define their themes. The desire of every intending couple… A Perfect Home. UNVEILING THE TRUE MYSTERY BEHIND A PERFECT HOME Ephesians 2:14 “ For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; ” (Here was our Wedding Toast on July 11, 2020). Who/What is your Peace? What was/is the basis of your Union? What makes for peace in your home? Is it Money? Is it Appearance? Perhaps Position? Maybe Power? Is it Lineage? Or, Is it a stranger somewh...