
Showing posts with the label Bollywood

The ‘Wood’ Movies

  T here is a glaring problem when it comes to a believer watching these. I am of not of an opinion as to whether or not you should watch these movies, its of choice, I do. I  rather would have these sunk deeply into you, “Anything that starts in the flesh ends in the same, and whatsoever ends in the flesh ends in death.” Also, “The carnal man cannot communicate the things of the Spirit of God the way of the Spirit of God.”   Photo by  Donald Tong  from  Pexels I n Academics, a mathematician can still manage to teach politics once well instructed, but regarding the things of the Spirit it is not so. A sinner, though equipped with the writings in the Scriptures, is not qualified to and can not teach the Word of God the way of the Spirit of God who is its author. No matter how fluent he may be, it will remain a work soiled by the garment of the flesh by the author and rewarder of the work. In reality, the way of the cross is foolishness unto him that ...

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