The ‘Wood’ Movies


There is a glaring problem when it comes to a believer watching these. I am of not of an opinion as to whether or not you should watch these movies, its of choice, I do.

I rather would have these sunk deeply into you, “Anything that starts in the flesh ends in the same, and whatsoever ends in the flesh ends in death.” Also, “The carnal man cannot communicate the things of the Spirit of God the way of the Spirit of God.”


Photo by Donald Tong from Pexels

In Academics, a mathematician can still manage to teach politics once well instructed, but regarding the things of the Spirit it is not so. A sinner, though equipped with the writings in the Scriptures, is not qualified to and can not teach the Word of God the way of the Spirit of God who is its author. No matter how fluent he may be, it will remain a work soiled by the garment of the flesh by the author and rewarder of the work. In reality, the way of the cross is foolishness unto him that perish, and its teachings are not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. Amen. (1 Corinthians 2:13).


Reason. How do you think that ‘Angel of light’ Satan and his ‘ministers of light’ False prophets will be able to successfully discharge their duties while preaching or teaching, if not by sandwiching the truth of the scripture with error!?! Perhaps a 90% truth with a 10% error.

Don’t you know that a 90% of well garnished professionally prepared jollof rice with a well mixed 10% concentrated poison remains nothing better than a poison itself?!? Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners. (1 Corinthians 15: 33).


What are you tdo??

1.     The glaring ones with the label ‘poison’ avoid.

2.     The ones with undeclared identity subject to testing. Not every consumable is worth your consumption.

Steps to Testing

1.     Study and know the truth of the word of God your own self.

Ignorance can kill a man faster than poison itself.

2.     Just as in the case of the litmus, while craving for knowledge, have the Holy Spirit because he alone can accurately discern every spirit and reveal of what sort they are.

3.     Once discerned, avoid that poison. Be not deceived (do not allow anyone to brainwash you), evil communications (these may be through words, in relationship, through gestures…) corrupt good manners (good manners in thinking, in living, in acting…). Do not be deceived.


If a man can not refrain himself from giving a bite on ‘that fruit’ of which God has said, “…thou shalt not eat of it…” (Genesis 2:17), how do you think he will be able to ever stop at that bite until he has made even the last bite that drops a man nothing but dead!?!

Don’t you know that a 2% of concentrated poison in every of a so sweet 50 bites will land you no better than a dead body?!? Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners!! 1 Corinthians 15:33.


“… Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…” Hebrews 12:1,2.


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

There is an extent to which an individual will take ‘detoxicant’ while playing smart with poison that the detoxicant will be regarded as an overdose and its substance itself poisonous in the consumers system; watch the way you apply the Word; do not play games with the devil, do not act in defiance against God because he soon will catch up with you!


Branch. The body is not for fornication. (1 Corinthians 6:13). Do not join the temple of God anymore with harlots! Save yourself now, while you can.

1.     Stop going the way of her house.

2.     Stop passing by her zone.

3.     Pull yourself together and stop calling her contacts; delete every contact that lead back to her.

4.     Do not be deceived by such mentality as going back to make apologies and preach to her for now, it is a trap, she will get grip of you again. Flee. Flee fornication!

5.     Soon, her strength too will fade off you; it will fade out of your mind. Only cooperate with God and he will help you out.

6.     Always purge your heart and mind with the blood of Jesus.

7.     Always watch against her new strategies to have you back. “…and the adulteress will hunt for precious life.” (Proverbs 6:26).

8.     You will need to leverage on the strength of others. It is a battle, do not fight alone. Seek two true believers of the same gender and living nearby you. Tell them everything and submit yourself to them for close monitoring and support until you are truly strong.

9.     If you will be indeed free, be sincere with yourself and let God have his way in your life. John 8:36.





Article written by Ifeoluwa Animashaun


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